Need stock photos for your website, social media profile, promotional materials, slideshows, greeting cards or commercial products? I offer a good
selection of original stock photographs for your commercial, business, non-profit or personal use via my Payhip store. My photo subjects include nature
images of all sorts and images of man-made things from tools to roads to pulp mills.
What Are Stock Images And Why Should I Care?
Stock images are images that you can legally use online or in printed materials. Stock images may be in the public domain, or are made available to you
by the photographer. Except for public domain images, the creator of the image licenses it to you, sometimes for free, sometimes for a fee. The creator
decides what uses are permitted. (For more about public domain, copyright, and Creative Common licenses, see the Copyright page).
Whenever you find a stock image online, be sure to check the licensing so you know whether you can use the image for what you need.
My stock photos are available under a Creative Commons BY4 License. All of my stock images can be used in:
book manuscripts
album covers
promotional materials
letterheads, business cards and other business documents
product packaging
commercial products such as coffee mugs, totes, t-shirts, calendars
greeting cards for commercial sale or for personal or business use
prints or posters
reference photos for creating artwork
and more!
Image Sizes
Images designed specifically for print use are available in a variety of sizes, and are formatted at 300dpi (dots per inch). The first size listed is the
image size in pixels (width x height). The second size listed is the size in inches when the image is printed at 300dpi. Images with sizes other than those
listed below have the image size detailed in the description. Note that any of these images can be printed smaller. (Images can't be printed much larger
than the given size without losing print quality).
Full Page: 3300 x 2550px - 11 x 8.5" (or 2550 x 3300px, 8.5 x 11").
Bordered Page: 3000 x 2250px - 10 x 7.5" (or 2250 x 3000px, 7.5 x 10").
Half page: 2250 x 1650px - 8.5 x 5.5" (or 1650 x 2250px, 5.5 x 8.5"). Perfect for half-fold greeting cards (one card printed on an 8 1/2 x 11"
sheet and folded in half).
Quarter-Page: 1650 x 1275px - 5.5 x 4.25" (or 1275 x 1650px - 4.25 x 5.5"). Perfect for quarter-fold cards (two notecards or greeting cards
printed per 8 1/2 x 11" sheet).
Images designed for online use in YouTube slideshows are formatted at 1280 x 720px at 72ppi. Of course, you can also use the print-use images
online, but you will probably want to resize them.
Ordering Information:
In the Dustwood Media Payhip store, click on the item you're interested in to go to the Product Page. To buy, click on "Add To Cart" (if you want to shop
some more) or "Buy Now". You will be taken to a checkout page that will ask for your email address. Once this has been added, you will have the option
to either pay via PayPal or card.
To pay with PayPal, click on "PayPal". You will need to create an account (if you haven’t done so already) then log in using your details. You'll then have
the option to either use your saved card or to Add a debit or credit card. Then click on "Pay Now".
"If you want to pay via card, you would need to click Buy with Card, which will open up the checkout form to input your details. This includes your card
number (long number), expiry date, and your CVV/CVC (the last 3 digits on the back of your card)." Then click on "Buy Now". Note that PayHip handles
payments - I never see your payment details.
You will be taken to a page where you can download the file. You will be sent an email receipt, which gives you the option to generate an invoice.
Haven't received your receipt with the download link yet? Check your spam/junk folder to see whether it's gone there. If it hasn't then you may have made
a typo in your email address when purchasing. Contact me with the correct email address and I'll be able to update it for you.
SATISFACTION/RETURNS: Of course, there's no real way to "return" a digital image. However, if you feel there has been a problem and want a refund,
contact me to arrange things. I can issue a full or partial refund through PayPal within 180 days of the original transaction.
More About My Stock Photos
All stock images are available under a Creative Commons BY License. When purchased, a photo may be edited and used for commercial, business,
non-profit, or personal use, but you must "attribute" the image (say somewhere where people can find it that it is from Dustwood Media). Remember,
although you are given a free license to use the image, I remain the image owner - I have copyright to the image.
License restrictions for all images: images may not be used for pornographic or hate-mongering purposes. See the Licensing page for more details.