Dustwood Media is owned and operated by Jeri-Lynn Woods. See the Contact Page for address, email and phone number.
What Personal Data We Collect And Why We Collect It
This website collects general traffic information via StatCounter, which is reviewed periodically to see how effective the site is, but I do not use the information in any other way.
I collect information from visitors and customers only by specifically asking for it.
I collect information as required from customers when they order services. This information is used solely for the purpose of delivering the services that they order. The information collected from you will not be used to contact you about anything other than your order, unless you specifically request otherwise.
Information about products is collected through my PayHip and Redbubble accounts. These sites handle orders and payments; I never see your information (with the exception of getting a PayPal receipt for PayHip orders). Dustwood Media and sole proprietor Jeri-Lynn Woods will never sell or give away any visitor or customer information to anyone else for any purpose unless required to do so by law. From time to time, it may be necessary to use visitor or customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in this privacy policy. If the privacy policy changes at any time in the future, you will be contacted before your data is used for these new purposes, to notify you of the policy change and to provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. Upon your request, I will supply you with all the information (if any) I maintain about you, and correct any errors in your information. See contact information on the Contact DM page.